Gabriel Peoples

Gabriel Peoples

Assistant Professor, Gender Studies


  • Ph.D., University of Maryland, 2016
  • M.A., Cornell University, 2008
  • B.A., University of Michigan, 2006

About Gabriel Peoples

Gabriel Peoples is an Assistant Professor whose research is located at the nexus of Performance, Gender, and Africana Studies. Currently, he is completing a manuscript, Goin’ Viral: Uncontrollable Black Performance, that examines the rewards and risks of "viral performance"--rapidly repeated visual and sonic engagements with Blackness in popular culture and everyday life, which are packaged as images, films, and viral videos for mass consumption. In Goin' Viral he argues that while this Black virality supports commonsense ideologies about Black bodies, it also creates paths of alterity where Blackness is challenged and its histories renegotiated..