B.A., Sociology, East China Normal University - Shanghai (China), 2017.

Suisui Wang
Graduate Student, 2017 Cohort
Graduate Student, 2017 Cohort
B.A., Sociology, East China Normal University - Shanghai (China), 2017.
My name is Suisui (pronounced as sway-sway) Wang and I am a third-year PhD student of Gender Studies at Indiana University. An interdisciplinary ethnographer, I am broadly interested in health humanities, science and technology studies, and transnational feminism, disability studies, and sexuality studies. My dissertation research examines the multi-scalar mobilization and materialization of SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) in China through transnational expertise, advocacy networks, and therapeutics.
I was born in Hunan Province in central China and his hometown is encircled by rivers and mountains. Although I am mostly away from hometown, I have remained unchangeable love for spicy food and watery regions.
Xiao, Minhui, Suisui Wang (corresponding author), and Haoran Peng. “Migration Stress, Social Capital, and Mental Health of Migrant Populations: A Study Based on the Stress Process Theory.” Contemporary Finance and Economics 412, no. 4 (2019): 14-24. (in Chinese)
Mamman, Jose, Suisui Wang and H.G. Joshi. “Case Study of Rural Self Employment Training Institute (RESETIs) in India as a Social Enterprise.” International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review 1, no. 27 (2016): 40-44.
Review of Beyond Trans: Does Gender Matter (Heath Fogg Davis, New York: New York University Press). Gender & Society 32, no. 3 (2018): 419-421. https://doi.org/10.1177/0891243217747510.
Pathological, Suboptimal, and Normal: 30 Years of Controversies Between Robert Spitzer and Homosexuality. Published in The Intellectual (Zhishifenzi) and Ms Muses (Miusifuren), 22,5000 views.
HASTAC Scholar, Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities, Indiana University, 2019.
Travel Award, Society for Social Studies of Science, 2019.
China and Inner Asia Council Small Grant, Association for Asian Studies, 2019.
Pre-Dissertation Summer Research Grant, IU Global, Indiana University, 2019.
Travel Award, East Asian Studies Center, 2018 + 2019.
Travel Grant, National Women’s Studies Association, 2018.
Travel Award, Graduate & Professional Student Government, Indiana University, 2018.
Graduate Student Travel Award, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University, 2018.
International Enhancement Grant, IU Global, Indiana University, 2018.
Best Thesis Award, East China Normal University, 2017.
Cross-Campus Mentoring Award, NYU-ECNU Institute for Social Development, New York University Shanghai, 2017.
China-Netherlands Scholarship, Summer Institute of Introduction to Sexualities Studies, University of Amsterdam, 2016.
Undergraduate Academic Excellence Award, East China Normal University, 2014 + 2016.